Wednesday, January 7, 2009


things you say that you try to remember to remember cause they're so important
get lost in the flood of conversations, arguing, proving points similar if not the same
and float away in seas of unneccessary verbal shit smearing
at least i had something i thought was good enough to remember
and at least i know it was important cause i tried to remember it

i haven't been posting cause my computer's infected with something, probably mono.

i'll try to stay current, but for my one reader, patience is a virtue, and amazing content is pending and being created, collected, or observed and stolen at the moment.

i'm going to try to get kasia to post some pictures from her computer to entertain you, or mostly me, in the intermediate.

i like listening to my friends talk about everything, and i wish this ambition i have would carry on in the daylight hours.

and one more thing: mark got into parsons. i am so proud of him. learn, fellow talented lathargic prodigies, let's make everything better.

pop culture doesn't have to suck, you just have to make awesome catchy instead of appreciated by people with a refined taste.

i'm drunk and incoherent.

all is connected: agents, acting, money, cigarettes, shoe stores, bad art shows, miley cyrus, bob dylan, creepy upstairs neighbours, log cabins, terry cloth jumpers, velvet paintings, money maintainance, craigslist, and couches all seep into a conversation that somehow, remarkably really, scotty the hotty turns into a religious debate about sex before marraige.

i know i have the best friends in the world, but i don't have to tell you.
actually happy, actually content.

"The thing you're trying to say has to be more important than how loud you're saying it"
... i remembered.